2009年5月8日 星期五

Mother of the Year

Have you watched the news today? I was announced "Mother of the Year"!


Uh..I want to thank my husband for his love and support; I want to thank my two lovely kids Haha and Heehee for their cooperation; I want to thank my parents for always being there for me; and I want to thank my sisters for their prayers. Also, I want to thank all my friends and relatives for their friendship, help and encouragement.

If you miss the news, you may watch it from the link: http://news.cnnbcvideo.com/?nid=KfX1XyOurrl1fuNen2rx4zk2NTk1Nzc-&referred_by=15943682-vv2TzPx&p=moveon

Happy Mother's Day! and April Fools Day

9 則留言:

Jenniflower 提到...

Congratulations! Thank you for remembering me in your 致謝詞。可惜怎麼一個妳的鏡頭都沒有?

Happy Family 提到...

當媽太辛苦,沒空去 New York.:》

May 提到...


Sophia 提到...

這些人一定是不認得我, 要不然得獎的應該是我吧.... 哈哈哈...恭喜...

Mr. D 提到...

haha~ This is Awesome!! Congratulations, Yi! But watch out, I'm going to nominate my mom to compete with you next year. XD

Happy Family 提到...

Mom: 明年一定是妳!
SF: 那妳就後年吧!
Mr.D: In that case, I'll nominate my mom next year to compete with your mom.

Happy Family 提到...


Karen 提到...

sure. 因為我以前也玩過類似的 :p

Happy Family 提到...
