2009年5月28日 星期四

Ha and Hee received a package

Ha and Hee received a package of pictures last week (or the week before) from their cousin Ai and Xin, and they were so excited. The pictures were very cute. The one that I liked the most was the one on the bottom middle: Ha, Hee, Ai, Xin and 妞妞( a dog). I bet that Ai was drawing about our Taiwan trip. In the picture, Ai wore a red dress, and all of them were listed according to their heights, 非常寫實! Thank you, Ai and Xin!

4 則留言:

Jenniflower 提到...

Great artists!

Sophia 提到...

We are happy that Ha and Hee enjoy the pictures. There are more to come..... =)I will have to collect them into resonable amount to mail them. In fact, Charity almost draws something for Ha and Hee EVERYDAY.

Happy Family 提到...

Wow! Or they can hand them to Ha and Hee in person when we go to San Diego.

Did they receive the picture from Hee?

Sophia 提到...

Yes, they did. They love it. Thanks to Heehee!!!