2009年5月26日 星期二

A Happy Long Weekend

5/23/09 morning: 後院棚子加上帆布,可以當個小涼亭

5/23/09 afternoon: 參加 Steven & Claudia 婚禮

5/24/09 morning: Brentwood 採水果
5/24/09 afternoon: Sunday Worship
5/25/09 noon: 朋友家吃烤肉; 5/25/09 afternoon:Ha,Hee,Stephen和朋友去Ice Center; 5/25/09 night: 朋友來我們家吃飯
這個weekend就在吃吃喝喝 and lots of friendship 中度過!nice~!

5 則留言:

May 提到...

這個Long Weekend 您們的節目也很精彩
小涼亭的Ider 真不錯.

Karen 提到...


Happy Family 提到...

Mom: 下次來,晚上可以在涼亭吃水果。

Jenniflower 提到...

Your hair is getting shorter and shorter. Did you cut your hair by yourseilf or did you go to a salon?

Happy Family 提到...

usually, I cut it by myself (stephen cut the back for me), but this time, I went to the salon with Mom.