2010年8月25日 星期三


Well, 已經開學快一個禮拜了!
Hee is in 1st grade, and Ha is in 3rd grade now.

Hee is mentally stronger  than he was in kindergarten, and he didn't cry when I said good bye to him at the door on the first day. However, he did cry at lunch time because it was his first time to eat lunch without Mommy around. He is doing better and better each day, and today, he told me that: "我今天在學校一點也沒有想哭的感覺了”。 Praise the Lord!

I believe that having a good teacher is part of the reasons that he got adjusted to the 1st grade setting so fast. Today, he told me: "我們老師說,要make一堆mistakes之後才會去second grade"". 我說:"那還不簡單,要去second grade的人就趕快故意make mistakes 就好了。”他說,“才不簡單,因為老師也說我們需要do our best,所以也不能故意。所以每個人都要很久才會去second grade”

這個老師真的很有智慧,讓學生do their best, 卻又不必為不小心犯的錯緊張,這樣在學校心情應該輕鬆愉快。

哈哈上3rd grade後,作homework更自動,他一年比一年更好。記得他在k的時候,幾乎沒homework,但每次只要有什麼需要做的東西,拖到最後一秒還不肯好好做 It's a big headache for me。感謝神,小孩子是會長大的。

3 則留言:

May 提到...

Ha Ha and Hee Hee,good job.

nadia 提到...

感謝神! 小孩的確是會長大的, 而且一年比一年更成熟懂事。

Pko2003 提到...

神的恩典真是數不清,我上次看到HEE & HA他們真的看起來長大好多。恭喜妳已經熬出頭。