2022年8月10日 星期三

Su22 PHTG Exploring Visual Expression

A formal analysis is a tool more commonly used by art historians but, it is useful to help us practice analyzing and speaking about composition.

Using the vocabulary and definitions from the Week 2 video lecture (Links to an external site.), describe the formal elements of your image.  You may want to identify the figure ground relationship, or describe the negative space vs. the positive space.  You may also want to describe the relationships between the values, hues and saturation of the various elements of your photograph.

Finally, analyze and describe the path your eye takes when viewing this image.  What do you see first?  Where does your eye go second?  What holds your attention most after viewing this image for a while? 

I took this photo along Mountain View Bay Trail. The Figure-Ground relationship is high. Obviously, the positive space is in the middle, and the top and the bottom portions of the picture are negative spaces. The dried yellow grasses separate the ground (the dark green field) and the figure (the transmission towers), and the power lines also separate the ground (blue sky) and the figure (transmission towers). In my opinion, the color temperature of this photo is cool. The law of Proximity can be applied to this photo. There are 3 sets of objects in the photo, and each pair has the different heights. The conformation of the transmission towers are straight lines and triangles, and interestingly, the short fences right underneath them are also formed by straight lines and triangles. The title of this photo is "Electricity" since we can see the busy movement of the electricity through the transmission towers and many power lines. The first thing I saw in this picture was two tall transmission towers in the middle and then two sets of towers on the side, and the last, I noticed the fences underneath the towers.

The Long Exposure Assignment

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Using you phone, tablet or dedicated camera, please experiment with long exposures, and make 20 or more images using the drawing with light technique- the painting with light technique, or make purposeful use of artistc camera shake (where you more the camera around on purpose using a long exposure. 

Here are additional assignment requirements:

  • your images must have an exposure of 4 seconds or longer
  • you should use the lowest ISO available to you
  • please shoot in a dark room, or at night
  • you will need someone to help you draw or paint with light- so recruit a friend, unless you have a tripod
  • a tripod is not required (but highly recommended!)
  • If you are using a dedicated camera, it's a good to start at a middle aperture setting like F 5.6 or F8.
  • If you are using the camera on your phone or tablet, you have a fixed aperture, and will only be able to adjust your ISO and shutter speed

The Subject Clarity Assignment

This week, after reviewing the lecture, please practice taking images where the image is well- organized, and the subject is clear.  What you take images of (portraits, street photography, still lives, cars) is up to you. 

Please take 20 or more images, and then edit down to your 3 most successful images and post them below.

Each of the three images should not be similar-  but should have distinctly different subjects and settings.

I, and your classmates will be critiquing your three images the following week.

Keep in mind, if the image is not embedded int he discussion post, I will not grade it:  How to upload images to a discussion:

(Above) Due Wednesday the 13th of January.  10 points

(Below) Due the following Wednesday:  10 points

Please revisit the Subject Clarity Assignment and critique one of your classmates images by replying to their post.  Please make sure to include the following:

      1. Identify which image you are analyzing.  Give a brief written description of the subject matter, as well as the formal elements, and how they are arranged in the frame.
      2. In your judgement, what is the photograph of?  What is the most important subject or relationship in the photography?  What are the formal elements in the image to lead  you to that conclusion?
      3. What do you like about the image?  What aspects do you think are working especially well?
      4. What could be done to make the subject of this image clearer?  What could be done to make this image better, in your judgement?

Hi Yash,

The photo that I'm going to analyze is the third one, and the subject matter is the bright yellow bee trap.

I guess besides the bee trap commercial, the bee trap rarely becomes the main object of the photo, and your arrangement really attracted my attention. The photo was well organized, and the bee trap clearly was the focal point and the first thing I saw when I looked at your photo. The positive space/the object is positioned in the middle of the picture, and the negative space/the ground is around it. The overall colors of this photo are yellow, green and brown. Even though the color of bee trap doesn't have the big contrast from its background, its distance to the camera and its texture makes it distinct from the ground behind it. It has a stable figure ground relationship.

What I like about this photo is that bees in the trap makes the picture livelier compared to a still live photo. Also, two branches in front of the bee trap form the cone shape, and it somehow matches with the shape of the inner part of the trap. The blurred background works very well to make the object clearer.

In my opinion, the object may be even more distinct if you use a simple background or more contrast colors. Putting complementary colors together will get the most hue contrast.   At the same time, adding more colors from the color wheel will result in a more interesting picture. 

The First Image Scavenger Hunt

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This week, I would like for you to practice some of the technical, in- camera techniques we have learned.

Please plan to shoot 40 + images, so that you can edit down to your most visually interesting examples of the following:

In the discussion below, please post one example of each:

  1. An image that freezes motion (at 1/250 of a second or faster)
  2. An image that makes use of motion blur
  3. An image that is a good example of a wide depth of field
  4. An image that is a good example of a shallow depth of field

Freezes motion
Motion Blur

Wide Depth of Field
 Shallow Depth of Field

Please shoot 30 (or more) images, aiming for 3 good examples (one for each):

  • a good example of a monochrome color scheme

  • a good example of a complimentary color scheme

  • & a good example of an analogous color scheme

he Color Temperature Assignment Synopsis:

10 points  :  full credit/ half credit/  no credit

  • Please shoot 30 images or more, and post your best 2 unique images.
    • By unique-  I mean that you have made significant changes between both images.
      • An example of a set of images that are not unique would be this:  You took one image very quicky, changed the angle of the next image, took another and submitted both images.  This will result in a 5/10 for the assignment.
  • Everything in the frame should be white.  Any color or dimension should be added by your choice in light sources.
  • There should be 2 distinct light sources, with 2 different color temperatures.  Both light sources and color temperatures should be visible in the image.  If you can't see the distinction between your 2 light sources, neither can I.
  • Both images should be interesting, thoughtfully composed images.

The Midterm Creative Shooting Assignment

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due next Wednesday night

Worth 30 points

Congratulations! We have now arrived at the half way point in the term. 

This week, I would like for you to demonstrate what you have learned by completing your first Large Creative Shooting Assignment:

The Constructed Landscape

his week, I would like to make a photo essay consisting of 5 unique images.

What is a photo essay?  

A photographic essay is a form of visual storytelling, a way to present a narrative through a series of images. A great photo essay is powerful, able to evoke emotion and understanding without using words. A photo essay delivers a story using a series of photographs and brings the viewer along your narrative journey.

Your photo essay can be on any subject.  It could be about the color blue, a day in the life, street photography in San Jose, architectural studies.  This is a chance for you to follow your own interests and give them a visual expression using photography.

You are also free to edit you images however you choose.  They can be black and white, in color-  whatever is available to you.

Minimum requirements for this assignment:

  • Your should complete a total of 2 shoots minimum.  Remember that in photography there is power in numbers.  Plan to shoot a lot and edit down to your best 5 images.
  • Your 5 images should be unique.  What I mean by this is that no 2 images should look like they were shot at the same time, of the same subject.  Each image should add something meaningful and new to your photo essay.

今天去Shoreline Lake Park, 想起我們7月爲了交作業,也去了附近照相,老公和嘻嘻幫我一起照。暑假前我聽説團契姐妹在Stanford Ext. 修了關於歐洲藝術的課,沒考試又沒作業,純接受新知,覺得不錯。正在看De Anza的課表,哈嘻過來了, 幫著敲邊鼓,順便告訴我怎麽注冊,我們沒有要拿學分的人選課順序在比較後面,能選的課已經不多了,結果我就在完全不知道課的内容到底是哪方面,只覺得課的名字蠻有趣的情況下,拿了“Exploring Visual Expression”課。
我本來是準備以很輕鬆的心情面對,結果開學(網課)前一天,我在教會練習更新特會的詩歌,九點多回到家,本來準備休息,忽然看到老師寄來一堆Email, 有syllabus, lecture, 還有homework, 我已經二十幾年沒看過這種東西,整個人慌了,趕快找嘻嘻助教來幫忙。他身經百戰,很快的看一遍,然後告訴我哪些是重要的,哪些不用管。
這節課其實是很有趣的,教我們探索一些不同的方法照相,很適合我這種喜歡新奇事物的人,只是我七八月特別忙,需要擠時間出來看lecture和做每周三要交的功課。好些功課在照的時候需要助手,嘻嘻助教就是我最好的助手,幫我一起想辦法做出老師要的效果。後來嘻嘻開刀,剛好哈哈回來,接手助教的任務,他們兩個在高中都上過攝影課,所以對付我這種新手還是游刃有餘的。我們的midterm 是要照一個constructed landscape,他就跟我一起堆積木,調光綫,嘻嘻本來在休息,被我們吸引,也跑到我們旁邊坐著,不能講話,就用寫的發表他對我們調的光綫的意見。交了作業,才發現後一天哈哈有個網課的final, 看來我的課對他更有吸引力。現在課上完了,我也忘光了,就等於上了一堂親子游戲課吧!
