2009年2月6日 星期五


Yesterday afternoon, I loaded many books and videos in the car and planned to return them to the library, and Hee was with me. It was about 2pm,so after we go to the library, we can go & pick up Ha from his school. What a perfect plan!

I was in my car and opened the garage door with the remote, and I backup my car...Bang! I backed up too early and hit the garage door!

I went out and checked the 災情:
Left hand side: out of track, 兩個輪軸掉了,一個固定輪軸的鐵片彎了
Right hand side: 一個固定輪軸的鐵片彎了.

At first, hee didn't want to get out of the car, and he asked me to fixed the door because he wanted to go to the library, and he was not happy when I told him that I was not able to fix it. Then I told him, if he didn't get out of the car, if the garage door dropped, he would get injured. 他一聽,跑得比誰都快,立刻跳下車。

一看時間,2:30 pm了,車庫又不能關,車子也出不去,怎麼接哈哈?可以用走的,可是我不會走比較近的小路;如果走大路,還要帶個Heehee,不知道什麼時候才能到? 該不該找人來修?I didn't want to bother Stephen when he was at work, but I had no choice. When I called him, my heart was shouting: pick up the phone, pick up the phone, pick up the phone。。。, and when I heard his voice, 我就安心了!

He went to pick up Ha and came back to 視察災情。 The door looked bad, so he asked me to call for repair, but I called many numbers, and yet, no one was available except for one company which would come between 9pm to 11pm, and would charge $150 for service call. At the meantime, Stephen also started trying to fix it because he said: 如果修理的人來了,發現我們什麼都不懂,就會亂charge 一通, 所以我們要先搞清楚大概的問題。 I went back to the house and continued to call, and finally, a company said that they would be here in 20 minutes. About 10 minutes later, they called me and said that they would be here at 5pm (40 minutes later)because there were still something needed to be checked in the previous garage in Sunnyvale. Stephen was still fixing, and he fixed the problem on the right hand side. He said that he would need 10 minutes to see if he could fix the more complicated problem on the left hand side. If he could, the repair guy didn't need to come. And he fixed the left hand side, too! Stephen fixed the door! Hero!

However, during the process of fixing the door, he noticed that 右邊的捲軸有磨損(he said that it had nothing to do with the accident today, just because it's old. ), so for our safety in the future, we called the garage door company to replace the drum and the cable. The total replacement cost plus the service call was $165. If Stephen didn't fix the door, the price should be $300-400.

It felt good to know that my husband can cover the boo-boo that I made.

4 則留言:

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Happy Family 提到...

JF: 是啊!他一點也沒有不高興。他和Ha都在開玩笑說是我覺得車庫門太老,該換了,所以故意撞,可惜我的陰謀沒成功。
Nadia: 沒錯。我以前也不知道他那麼厲害,沒想到他還滿有潛力的.