2011年11月8日 星期二


十月份慶生會是在JF家,剛好是PK的40大壽,所以除了我們姐妹兩家之外,還請了一些JF& PK的團契朋友,變成一個surprise party. 我們和SF家在12點半之前到了JF家,他們的朋友則在附近的另一個朋友家等待指令。我們到了之後,JF就打電話給他們,請他們出動。我一開始沒想清楚,就已經跟嘻哈講關於surprise party的事,所以千叮萬囑要他們千萬別跟柔樂信愛或柔爸提到surprise party, 幸好他們嘴很緊,沒說溜。
他們按電鈴,PK去開門,看不出是誰,一開始還不敢開,後來才被surprise 到。他們團契的人手藝都很好,最值得一提的是新鮮魚子,是釣到的新鮮鮭魚子,他們調理了一下,味道很不錯,只是怕膽固醇太高,不敢吃太多。他們朋友們聊了一下午才離開,非常健談。
晚上六個小孩睡客廳,我們自備床墊睡袋,三家大人則在樓上套房,一家一間,柔還在床上預備了洗臉毛巾,用紙環套著,像在hotel一樣。We had a great time.

5 則留言:

Cheryl 提到...

Dear Aunt,
That party was fun indeed. I kind of did assume you were taking pictures when we were sleeping. Yes, Those hand towels, I did those. You can sort of tell by the hand writing.

Happy Family 提到...

Wow, you can read my Chinese, great! Yes, we had a lot of fun at your house.

Cheryl 提到...

Dear Aunt, I didn't really read the Chinese.I just clicked the translation button.

Happy Family 提到...

So smart!!

Jenniflower 提到...

It was a fun gathering and surprise party!