2009年7月8日 星期三

7/4 Morning:修水管

Stephen said: "這個真的很像露營,因為在不一樣的地方洗碗!”

Well, we didn't do it on purpose. We had to use the bathroom sink to wash the dishes because our kitchen sinks were clogged.

Both kitchen sinks haven't worked well for few weeks, but with patience, water could still flow through. During the long weekend, Stephen had more time, so he tried to fix it with the 通水管的snake. It went all the way through, and we thought that the problem was solved; however, on the opposite, the sinks were clogged completely. Not a single drop of water could flow through! I guessed that our snake was too short , and it just pushed everything to the deeper place and got stuck completely. We tried few methods that I searched online: pour in baking soda and vinegar solution; cover one sink and use garbage disposal on the other side; cover one sink and use 通馬桶的那隻東西 on the other side; however, nothing worked at all.

We called our general contractor, and he referred us to 南灣通渠。 He is a Christian, 很客氣,準時,手腳又快,從屋頂通,不到半個鐘頭就完全搞定, so we had time to go to the grand opening of Blackberry Farm which was closed 2 years ago and upgraded and reopened. Kids played some games there, and we walked around and then went home for lunch. City of Cupertino provided free BBQ lunch there, but there were too many people, so we chose to go home and eat. I made pasta with cream of chicken and corn sauce, fast, tasty and easy.

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