2009年7月14日 星期二

20 Years

7/12 was our 20th anniversary of moving to the U.S.

20 years ago, I was just graduating from High School, and now, I am the mother of 2. 20 years doesn't seem to be a long time; however, when my parents and my sister were talking about the day that we arrived the U.S., my mind was all blank. I didn't remember anything happened when we left the airport in Taiwan, and I didn't remember anything happened when we arrived the SFO. Well, I didn't remember many things happened during these 20 years, either. Fortunately, my family around me, including my parents, my sisters, my husband, and my sons, all have good memories, so they can fill in the blanks of good memories that we shared.

Also, photos helped, too. I can remember the events if I took good amounts of photos during the events. Therefore, I have to have my camera everywhere I go.

10 則留言:

Jenniflower 提到...

I remembered many details of the day we moved to the U.S. What happened to your memory?

Happy Family 提到...

I don't know. I'm always like that. I never remember many things in my life. I just enjoy now and the future...looking forward!

Dad, Mom and SF even remembered that who was taking the texi, and who was taking the other car from the airport to Oakland. I had no clue at all. I guess that I was not there on that day when you came to the U.S.

Jenniflower 提到...

I remembered what Dad, Mom, and SF remembered!

May 提到...


Happy Family 提到...


May 提到...


Sophia 提到...


May 提到...


Happy Family 提到...


Jenniflower 提到...
