2009年7月7日 星期二

7/3 Dinner

When we got home from the beach, it was about 3pm, and Ha asked me to cook dinner????? We just finished eating at McDonald's at 2pm, and he finished his double cheese burger, fries and ate some Sundae. I couldn't believe that he asked me to prepare for the dinner.

The fact was that he loved to cook outside, so he couldn't wait for cooking the dinner in the backyard. I told him that I would start preparing at 5:40pm, and he could have dinner at 6pm.
We had 餛飩湯,Ravioli and Tuna fish for dinner.

The Tuna fish was from our next door neighbor, an old couple. I guessed that the husband is about 90 years old, and the wife is almost 90, too. They are always busy at their backyard, and I believed that hard working plus fresh air makes their body healthier. They have corns, lemons, oranges, kiwi, beans, different colors of roses and many other plants in the yard, and they have a boat in the yard, too. The old gentleman told us that they went fishing on 7/2 with his friend's boat. They were 50 miles off shore in Half Moon Bay, and they got a big Tuna fish. He shared the belly part of the Tuna fish with us. It was really good. The first night, I marinated it with salt and pepper and squeezed lemon juice on top when done; the second night, we dipped it with the BBQ sauce, and both were good. No matter how we cooked it, fresh fish is the best!

On Sunday, a friend asked me how many crabs that we caught?(I tried to borrow the net to catch the crab for the camping trip, so they knew it。)I told him that we didn't go, so we didn't get the crab, but we got fresh fish instead. God's provision is amazing! The Lord is my Shepherd, and I shall not be in want! We didn't ask for it, but we got it anyways!

A Video clip of cooking the dinner: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTmdUx1CGGs 小菜秧(young 青江菜) was from our backyard. We still have the seeds, if you want some, please let us know.

Hee was dancing after dinner: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2w6hwRnrXto These VBS songs were played over and over during our camp out days.
