2009年7月6日 星期一

7/3 Santa Cruz Boardwalk

We searched online and found that Santa Cruz Boardwalk's temperatures was about 77 degrees at noon, which was better for us to play in the beach, so, with all the "sand tools" in the car, off we went!

Parking fee was $1.5 per hour, so Stephen went to change for the coins, and he got all the one dollar coins with different faces, and one of them was not the round shape.
I was too lazy to play, so I asked Hee to bury me with the sand. He was happy to do that, and I didn't need to move but laid on our 草席。 Stephen also took a rest on the 草席, too. Our kids are old enough to play by themselves, and we can 享享清福了。
Hee decided to bury himself, too, and Ha was building a bridge.
休息夠了,我們大家一起挖洞鑿湖。 Stephen was like the 撒瑪利亞婦人,在正午打水。他一桶一桶的灌下來,後來,我也加入打水行列。
太陽漸漸大,水不再那麼涼,我們便讓Ha and Hee 玩水.
We went to McDonald's for lunch on our way home, and kids slept as soon as we started driving home.

5 則留言:

nadia 提到...


Happy Family 提到...

是啊,我也以為我們去露營了 :>

May 提到...


Happy Family 提到...


Jenniflower 提到...

I lile Broadwalk.