2011年12月13日 星期二



普通的聖誕晚會可能只是大家唱唱聖誕歌,小朋友成果展而已,但這個學校的晚會實在福音性很豐富。今天跟公司請了半小時假,因為pot luck 五點半開始,我帶了紅燒豬小排和甜湯,還有阿公阿媽做啦啦隊。我到的時候已經快沒地方停車了,可見大家都提早下班。菜很多也滿好吃,我吃兩盤後又發現上了一大盒蔥油大餅,幸好老公提醒吃太多等下不能唱歌,我才有節制的只再吃了一小碗甜湯就棄械投降。

小朋友第一首歌是“我看見神的愛”,老師還有有獎徵答,歌裡提到在哪些方面可以看見神的愛?Stephen答對,得到CD一片。聽說這CD是老師的先生自己譜的曲。小朋友唱了6首以上,哈嘻平常也常在家唱,所以我常聽,可是今天大家一起唱,一起跳,更powerful. 每個小朋友都很用心表演,沒有吊兒郎當型的。我和Stephen唱了讚美之泉,由小朋友作動作,另外還唱了“耶穌愛你”,並由Stephen作了得救見證。除此之外,Room parent 和老師也都作了見證,老師雖沒有呼召,但邀請大家一同禱告,請願意接受主的慕道友跟著在心裡一同做決志禱告。

這個學校的老師都特別喜樂, 大有熱心,我很高興能把小孩送到這個學校,求神繼續賜福這個學校及所有老師。

3 則留言:

May 提到...


Cheryl 提到...

Dear Aunt,
I was wondering if you want to play this game at the Christmas party.Here is the game.

Mafia Murder
First select a narrator. The narrator has all of the other players sit in a circle and close their eyes. She/he taps one person on the head

- once for murderer,
- twice for angel, and
- 3 times for detective.

He then tells everyone to go to sleep, or shut their eyes. The narrator says "Murderer awaken." The murderer opens their eyes. "Who would you like to kill?". The murderer points to any person in the circle, and then closes his eyes.

Then the narrator says, "Angel, awaken - who would you like to save?" and the angel does the same thing, pointing to any person in the circle that he would like to save.

"Detective, awaken - who would you like to suspect?". Same thing again.

Then everyone opens their eyes. If the murderer kills a person, that person is now announced to be dead. However, if the angel saved the person who the murderer was trying to kill, they are saved and are not killed. When the detective suspects the correct murderer, he wins the game, but not if the murderer can kill him first.
I have already scheduled it.

Happy Family 提到...

It sounds like a fun game.