2010年7月27日 星期二

Last week: 7/18/10 to 7/24/10

7/20/10, San Jose Giants Game:

It was San Jose Giants, not SF Giants. It's a minor league baseball team, and Stephen's company gave away tickets for 7/20 and 7/22 games. It was against Stockton Ports, and this was our first time to watch a baseball game in the stadium. It was ok, a little boring, but Ha and Hee seemed to like it. One good thing about minor league was that the pitchers were not as good as the ones in major league; therefore, it's easier for hitters to hit the ball and easier to score. It made the game more fun.The game started at 7pm, but around 10pm, it's only at 8th inning, so we decided to go home before the game was over. The final result of the game was 6:8, Ports won.

7/21/10-7/23/10, Grandparents' House:

After Sophia's family moved back to the Bay Area, these cousins had more opportunities to get together. On 7/21, I drove to Sophia's house, and we took their van to my parents' house with them. This time, kids had their own table to eat, and we sat on another table either at my parents' house or at the restaurant. They took care of themselves, and we had relaxing eating and chatting moments.
Here is a short video clip when they watched "Tom and Jerry". Ai was not in it because she's taking her nap.

7/24/10 Lightrail
In Taipei, 捷運 is inexpensive and fast, and we took it very often when we were in Taiwan. Ha missed it, and we planned to take the BART to SF on Saturday. After 3 days of fun time at Grandma's house, kids were tired, so they couldn't wake up in the morning until I woke them up at 10am. Also, we were invited to friends' house for dinner, so we wouldn't have plenty of time staying at SF. We went to Fremont BART station and found that the round trip fare to SF was around $13 per person. It was too expensive since we wouldn't spend too much time in SF. We changed our plan from BART to lightrail since to kids, they were about the same. We drove back to Greatmall and had a lunch, and then we bought a day pass to ride on the lightrail. it was a boring ride because all we saw were houses, offices, offices, houses. and maybe one or two small size malls. Well, at least, it satisfied Ha's dream of taking the 捷運in the U.S.

7/24/10 Friend's house for dinner
Victor and Yang are in our fellowship, and they were in the same church as Ran and Sophia in Chicago. They cooked delicious dinner and invite both of our families to come over. We also watched interesting videos and photos. It was a great gathering!

2 則留言:

Ah Hao 提到...

Cheryl got the best pose in the center left photo =)

Happy Family 提到...
