2009年11月15日 星期日

My Birthday Parties

There are 2 parties: one was on my birthday with Stephen, Ha and Hee, and the other one was in November with my parents and sister's family. We also celebrated my Dad and my brother-in-law, Philip's birthday on the same day.

On my birthday, I got an e-card, a birthday cake, a pressure cooker (which I have started using it before the birthday)and 5 clothes. Stephen wasn't very sure about my size, so he tried those clothes on in the store by himself because our sizes are similar. Just imaging the scene that a man trying the woman clothes in the store is very touching, and it is the best gift that I can ever ask for.

Also, this was the first birthday after I joined Facebook. I got many birthday greetings from my relatives and friends. Thank you everyone, I love you all! From the mail, I got a I-House gift card from my sister, Sophia, and we will definitely try it some day.

In Elk Grove, it was a great party, too. I got a gift card from my mom, and a beautiful necklace and a huge giant umbrella from my sister. All four people in my family should be able to fit under the umbrella. It will be a great life saver during the storm day.

Some video clips:
Happy Birthday at home-1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atQi3x5Hzeg
I'm not 40! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPuFQkGg36I
Happy Birthday song at home (搖滾版): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBBTBbvizRE
Party in Elk Grove (正常版)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q95rzgN8KcM

6 則留言:

Pko2003 提到...

Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Family 提到...

Thank you. I was late on my blog, so my birthday was actually passed few weeks ago.

nadia 提到...

妳是幸福的女人! ^^

Happy Family 提到...

Yes, it's good to have the family around.

May 提到...


Happy Family 提到...
