2009年11月3日 星期二


10/24/99 was the day that Stephen and I first met each other, and this year was our 10th year being together. Only 10 years? How come I felt that I've known him forever?

In the past 9 years, we never celebrated this day, but 今年擴大慶祝。 Stephen bought roses and 香檳, and we drank little after the kids went to sleep. This year, since 10/24 was a Sat., after dinner, we decided to go back to the place that we first met: Stanford University....10 years ago, we went to a violin concert there, and through friends' help, we started knowing each other better.

It only took about 15 to 20 minutes to get there from our house, but since it's dark, it took us longer to find the entrance. Hee fell asleep in the car, and Ha was excited to be able to ride the bike in the campus. Stephen held Hee, Ha rode the bike, and I walked until almost 10pm . The second day, we went there again, and both kids rode their bikes. Now, biking is one of their favorite activities, and Stanford is one of the best place for biking, so, we went there again last week, and I predict that we will go there many times in the future and we will have many more 10 years of happy days ahead of us .
I'll upload the photos to slideshow later. http://picasaweb.google.com/happyfamily.huang/102409#


9 則留言:

Jenniflower 提到...

Happy anniversary!

Pko2003 提到...


nadia 提到...

Happy forever.... :D

Karen 提到...


May 提到...

幸福! 爸爸媽媽 賀

Sophia 提到...

恭喜恭喜. 平淡的生活中有一些些浪漫也是很不錯的. 祝你們永遠甜甜蜜蜜!

Happy Family 提到...

Karen: 他很少買,不過這才顯出10年紀念的珍貴。
媽: 沒錯。糟糕的是那顆小燈泡剛睡醒,全程要我老公抱,破壞氣氛。
SF: Indeed!

Sophia 提到...


Happy Family 提到...
