2009年11月30日 星期一

11/21 Ice Skating

We've been riding the bike at Stanford for several weeks, and kids and I started getting bored. What else can we do? Stephen got an idea: Ice skating! Ha loved it, so he was the first one agreed to go, and Hee was ok later. How about me? To be honest, I'm not really interested in ice skating, and I needed to cook a dish for church's Thanksgiving sharing potluck; also, I needed to buy a turkey for Thursday's gathering, so they went first, and I went there later to be the photographer only.
Ha was able to skate by himself even though he fell sometimes. Hee needed to be held by Stephen, and he was having fun, too. Here are some video clips:

Hee said that he was hungry, so I brought him to the car to have some snack, and we went to Safeway to get the turkey, and Ha and Stephen were still there skating.

When Hee and I went home, it was quiet, and Ha asked us to keep quiet because "Daddy is sleeping". What?Why? Ha told me that Daddy just hit his right arm on the ice and he's hurt because he tried to avoid bumping into a person who suddenly stopped at the doorway and he fell. I went to check on him, and he seemed to be in pain, so I asked him to go to the doctor. Luckily, the doctor was still there at 5:30pm on Saturday, and he said that Stephen almost broke his arm, but luckily, he didn't. Stephen could hardly sleep because of the pain, but thank God that he had a rapid recovery overnight. He could even join the practice for the Christmas program on Sunday afternoon. We need to give thanks to God because he heard our and other brothers' and sisters' prayers. His arm is not 100% ok yet, and it takes time to recover; however, he is ok to deal with everyday life with both of his hands now.

4 則留言:

Sophia 提到...

That was scary. I am keeping Stephan in my prayers. Hope his arm is getting better each day.

nadia 提到...

I got hurt each time when I took Huhu to the iceskating. And it did take a long time to recover the pain. I think that's because I'm getting older. XD To me... NO more iceskating~

Happy Family 提到...

Yes, it's a little dangerous! Please continue to pray for him.

Jenniflower 提到...

Dangerous! May he get well soon. Ice skating is not for me!