2009年12月22日 星期二

認識10周年hotpot party-12/5/09

We met at Darlene's cousin's violin concert 10 years ago, and the next week, Darlene, Peter, Jennifer, Philip, Stephen and I went to Hotpot City together, and after that, we started writing the emails, and after that.......you know.
Darlene's mom is my parents' good friend, so we invited them, too. Besides that, we met one of Stephen's previous officemate at 天道書樓,and we invited him as well.
It was a nice gathering. My father made all different kinds of good dipping sauces , and Darlene made a delicious Grape Pie which Ha loved it so much and asked her for the recipe. We also had good sharing time. We thank God for these wonderful relatives and friends.

2 則留言:

Sophia 提到...

We are having hot pots often these days too. It is too cold here!

Happy Family 提到...

We have it often, too, even though we are not really cold here. Kids love it, and it's easier than cooking the regular dishes.