2009年10月21日 星期三

Playing Together

These few months, these 2 brothers had more and more time playing together. Few weeks ago, they liked to build boats and played while taking the bath. Now, they loved to use blocks to build the buildings and invited their stuffed animal friends to the party. Still, Ha was the leader, and Hee loved to be a follower, so most of the time, they played happily together.

Here was one of the video clips: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDqJZaDv6Uc

9 則留言:

nadia 提到...

兄弟倆一起玩, 媽媽就輕鬆多啦!

Happy Family 提到...


Mr. D 提到...

照片的角度捕捉得非常準確, 要不然Haha heehee 又有艷照在網上曝光了 XD

Remember to save these photos for their wedding slides in the future XD.

Happy Family 提到...

Don't worry, I had plenty of them at different ages :>

Sophia 提到...

On your video clip,"playing with the blocks", I am more interested in the big project a "electrical cart" outside Haha's room. What that is?

Happy Family 提到...

Oh that! That is Apple Employee sigh in station. For some reason, our house is Apple company, and we are employees of Apple, and we need to bring our ID to sign in at the station in the morning. ( We played it at summer, but the station was still there even though we are not playing now. )

Jenniflower 提到...

I wish Ro and Le can always play happily together. When Le was younger, he 100% followed Ro's order. Now the percentage has dropped to about 50%.

Happy Family 提到...

Hee is about 90%.

Sophia 提到...

I see.