2009年10月15日 星期四

10/13-Stormy Day

From the weather forecast, we knew that 10/13 would be a stormy day; therefore, on 10/12, after work, Stephen went up to the roof to clean up the gutter and leaves, and I found all of our umbrellas. We were ready for and excited about the storm.

10/13 morning, we saw fallen leaves all over the backyard ground; big rain and wind were here! The street was little flooded, but it's not too bad. I needed to carry Hee in few areas when the water was too deep for him to walk by without wetting his shoes. After taking Hee to school, I came home to finish some work, and at 11am, I went to the market to get groceries for this week. ( I have classes on Mon. and Wed, and volunteer at Hee's class on Friday, so I only have free time on Tues. and Thurs to get the groceries.)

Umbrella was not working well on this kind of stormy day because the wind was too strong. On the way from store to Hee's school, my car was out of control for a few seconds (maybe because of the wet road). Luckily, there's no car around me. God was keeping His eyes on me.

Hee and I went home after school, but the garage couldn't be opened..ohh, we had the power outage. Since Hee had a keyboard class at 1pm, I grabbed his music book and drove to the community center and had bread (which I just got from the store) as our lunch there because our stove, oven, and Microwave couldn't work, so we couldn't have hot lunch. Thank God that I went out at 11am instead of 12pm; otherwise, my car wouldn't be able to be driven out of the garage, and how am I going to pick up Hee? Also thank God that I washed the clothes before I went out, so the clothes were washed clean before the power outage. I called Stephen and asked him to report the power outage to PG & E, and we went to the music class, and then we went to pick up Ha.

Hee was so excited to tell Ha that we got power outage, and Ha was so excited, too. Since we were all wet (as I said, umbrella didn't work well on the stormy day), we all took a shower when it's still bright. Then, we took out all the candles (actually, it's better not to use the candles, but for fun, we just used it for a while) and flashlights, and I found a brighter spot for Ha to do his homework. I told him that he needed to do it as soon as possible because it would be dark at any time, and he wouldn't be able to do the work then. It reminded me that Jesus will come at anytime, and if we don't spend our time wisely on the things that God wants us to do, we may lose the opportunity to do them forever. 趁 著 白 日 , 我 們 必 須 做 那 差 我 來 者 的 工 ; 黑 夜 將 到 , 就 沒 有 人 能 做 工 了

We got the power back at 6pm, but we still went out to eat and had a candlelight fruit break as planned, and we turned off all the lights to let Ha and Hee use flashlights while brushing their teeth. To me, it's a fun day.

6 則留言:

Jenniflower 提到...

What a day!

Car went out of control? How?

Happy Family 提到...


Sophia 提到...

Drive carefully especially on bad weather days.

Happy Family 提到...

Yes. A good lesson!

Jenniflower 提到...

Did you drive too fast?

Happy Family 提到...

No, I was in local, about 30-40 MPH.