2021年7月17日 星期六




這是他第一次離開家這麽久,可是我們和他都出奇的適應, 三個禮拜覺得他好像沒去多久,他在那裏挺好,我們三個在家也挺好。看起來他去上學我們適應應該不會有太大的問題。

送他去機場的路上,我們討論要怎麽保持聯絡,最後決定text 和 Email, 第一天先用text, 可是感覺交流不夠,都是一個字兩個字完事,而且我收或送一個text還要5分錢,所以我晚上改email.

Email 還真不知道要寫什麽,所以叫他自己寫一段,敘述一下發生的事。他就只寫了一個 “good”。(紅色是我寫的,藍色是他寫的)

How’s your day? Please write a paragraph summarizing your day (after landing)
這個交流更不成功,他簡直是敷衍了事!比Text還糟糕,都要大二的人居然還看不懂什麼是「paragraph 」!所以我換了一個方法,這個就很成功了,而且越來越成功,所以沿用至今,每天至少一個email. 一開始,他只是用幾個字回答我的問題,後來,通常都有一小段文字,真的有在交流了。
Rejected! This is not a paragraph. Let me try another way.
Q: how did you get to Ryan’s house?
Q: Did you eat lunch and dinner in the house or in the restaurant?
Q: Are there tables, chairs, fridge or cookware?
Q: When will Ryan’s family come back to Bay Area?

1. Uber
2. Lunch at airport, dinner at house
3. All present, but only 1 table
4. Wednesday if flights don't change

Very good。 You all share one table? Nice 🤣


Also, any tips on generally selecting vegetables for freshness? There's a Safeway about a mile away that I'm planning to walk to.

Wow, the chef is talking now!!!

The rule of thumb, it needs to LOOK fresh. Secondly, you can feel the firmness of its body (leaves- leafy vegetables, fruit-tomatoes, root- carrots, potatoes)

You should be able to tell by common sense. You are good at it!

6/30 經過要求,他給了我地址,所以我可以Google 看看那個房子長什麽樣,滿足狗仔的好奇心。他也煮了第一道正式的菜,咖喱鷄和白飯。他說味道ok, 他們還找到小電鍋煮飯。他比較喜歡蔬菜,所以這種一鍋式蔬菜加一點肉可能是他將來自己煮的模式。他去學校應該會買一個禮拜五天的那種餐廳飯票,其他兩天自己煮或是去吃喜歡吃的。So far, 他最喜歡的餐廳就是Panda Express, 剛好學校裡就有。
Did Ryan’s family come back to bay area?
Do you have a picture of the house? Curious. Do they post the pictures in Zillow?
Is it cooler today? 
Did you cook? What did you guys do today ?
Yep, they flew back this morning. I haven't really taken any photos, but the house is probably on Google Maps (xxxx E Bruce Ave, Gilbert, AZ). It'll be pretty much the same temperature for the whole time we'll be staying and we cooked a pot of curry and some rice。 Tasted alright, we added a few chunks of chicken. We also had a basic 1-function rice cooker there so didn't have to cook it in a pan.

7/5 那裏每天都很熱,連晚上半夜都熱,偶爾下點雨。我跟老公說他們連下雨天都是一百多度,他説,雨可能是溫的,我說可以直接洗澡。基本上,兩個年輕人很少出去,東西大多上網訂。他在H-Mart訂了腌好的牛肉去煮,應該是韓國烤肉的那種肉片,這還滿方便煮的。他有遺傳到我的創造力,所以菜色可以有無限變化。我從來沒買過H-Mart腌好的肉,但是很高興他勇於嘗試。
One week passed; two more to go. Do you have any specific plans for the next two weeks?
Is it hot outside after sunset?
Besides curry, did you cook something else?
Nothing particularly specific, but we might head to an aquarium at some point. It pretty much stays around 90-110F all day regardless of if the sun is up or not. It's pretty much always over 100 degrees during daytime and still is 90+ degrees even now at 11pm, so I'm pretty sure there isn't a cool time unless I wake up extremely early (4 or 5am).Besides the curry, we cooked some kind of pre-seasoned beef from H-Mart.
What do you usually order for food delivery?
How many fruit do you eat in a week?
For food delivery, we usually either order ingredients or meals from local restaurants, but we sometimes get fast food if we can't wait. We just blended up our remaining fruits (4 bananas and half a pack of strawberries) into a smoothie today, so I think our fruit intake should be fine for the next couple of days.

7/8我請他多照幾張相給我看附近風景,他說no 。我說媽媽叫你照相,你照就是了,說no是什麽意思?他很正式的向我解釋「no」的含義🙄😀
Did you take short walks every day 
Could you take some pictures?(food, neighborhood, everything……) 
Too hot, can't really go outside for long periods of time. No
Did you do any exercise in the house?
Just take some pictures! What do you mean “No “?
If walking around every hour or so counts, then I am getting some amount of exercise.

Definition of "no":
not any.
"there is no excuse"

used to give a negative response.
"“Is anything wrong?” “No.”"

not at all; to no extent.
"they were no more able to perform the task than I was"

a negative answer or decision, as in voting.
"he was unable to change his automatic yes to a no"
Do you cook very often?
What’s the best dish that you cooked so far?
What’s your favorite takeout/delivery dish so far?
We cook about half of our meals and order the other half. The best thing so far would probably be the sushi we made yesterday or the bread pudding baked today. As for delivery, most of them were pretty decent, but I'd have to say the best was still Panda Express, possibly due to personal biases.
Did Ryan like Panda Express, too? Are takeout/delivery mostly Asian food or western food?
Panda Express is pretty much always good and most people like it. Delivery is mostly western food though since there aren't many good asian restaurants around here.

7/10現在小朋友讀聖經都喜歡用YouVersion 的讀經計劃,有的是以幾天為單位,有的以月,有的以年,有的是幾年讀完一次聖經.哈哈這次選了 Life Principle to Live By, 好嚴肅的題目,是Dr. Charles Stanley寫的。不過一天只有幾節經文,有點少。他說如果對那天的經文/主題有興趣,他也會去讀整章。嘻嘻的是在讀馬可福音,我們上次玩了一個游戲,很好玩,就是我們各從馬可福音裏找出故事,要對方猜。我是要用中文聖經,自己想辦法翻成英文讓他猜,他用英文聖經,自己想辦法翻成中文讓我猜。想象中好像不難,其實還是有點小難度,比如說血漏的英文是什麽?衣裳墜子又是什麽英文?幸好我只講到前面他就猜出來,我才不需要絞盡腦汁。最後,我有一題猜不到,他也有一題猜不到。我猜不到的那題是跟無花果有關的,他很厲害講出了無花果的中文,我知道耶穌有跟無花果發生了什麽事,可是想不起來是什麽事。他猜不到的那題是耶穌登山變相,我還以爲這是大部分人都知道的經文,可是後來我直接拿英文聖經讀,他也沒聽過這段。

Did you go to Aquarium? There are only less than a week left. You should at least visit some places in AZ.Which Bible plan did you choose? You may invite Ryan to watch the Sunday Service with you tomorrow. It’s good to introduce God to him.

Not yet, but we'll probably have to go on a weekday to avoid crowds. Started some type of plan about life principles to live by.

When you do your devotions, did you just read the devotional and the key verses or the whole chapter?

If I find the topic/verse to be interesting, I'll read the whole chapter. Else just the highlighted verse.


Did people wear the masks in the store?

Have you tried the public transportation?

What did you eat today?
Some people are wearing masks at least. The bus stop is a bit far from the house so I most likely won't be using the public transportation network. We made some pasta today

I saw flash flood watch in AZ’s weather forecast. Is it fun to have heavy rain?
Do you still have a lot of food in fridge?
Did you buy fruit this week?
Heavy rain doesn't really matter since we're inside anyway, but the sounds the wind makes does sometimes make it harder to sleep.
We just ordered groceries by delivery so the fridge is fine, and we blended more smoothies today.
7/17 我們三個人出動去接他,去的時候他已經到了,一切都很順利。感謝主保守他整個旅行平安健康愉快。
