2015年8月10日 星期一



從7月份起,每個禮拜CEEF都寄給我一個email,告訴我們這禮拜訓練的內容,我們就照表操課。每天照著作,是需要恆心和毅力,我們三個盡可能的做到符合規定的內容。我唯一沒做完的一次是上個星期四,本來要跑3 Miles,結果跑到一半忽然下雨,我趕緊跑回家,結果只跑了2.67 Miles。 每個星期一,我們走到Blackberry Farm,再繞回家,一大圈大約走40分鐘。星期三 cross-training, 我們在家門前打籃球或後院打乒乓球。一開始的幾個星期五是走路20分鐘,所以我們去教會直接走路去,差不多剛好20分鐘。老公開車去,所以我們團契結束不需要再走回家。
一開始的時候,我跑1mile 大概要13分鐘,現在經過5個禮拜的訓練,10分多鐘就可以跑完。我8/4跑了3.08mles, 花了32分21秒,重要的是,我全程用跑的,比一開始有大大進步。不過我還是很不喜歡跑, 每次跑到一半就會想,我幹嘛自找麻煩,報名這個跑步,不然坐在家裡多舒服。

我是用Runkeeper記錄每一次的跑步,它是用GPS追踪,所以就算我的手機沒有data plan 也可以用。還有大約3個禮拜的練習,希望我更有進步,到時候能跑完全程。



This is an 8-week program designed specifically to help you build the mileage to complete a 5K (a 3.1 mile race). 

Following it will help you prepare for a successful 5K race.  If you have never done an organized race before and have never done much running, you may find this training program helpful.  Even if you have race experience, you may want to modify and/or design your own program based on this proposed model.

Date of Race: 8/29/15

Weeks Away: 3 
1 (7/6­-7/12)Walk 20+ mins.Run 10­15 mins. (A)XTRun 10-15 mins. (A)Walk 20+ mins.Rest Day1 Mile Test(C) (Morning)
2 (7/13­-7/19)Walk 20+ mins.Run 10­15 mins. (A)XTRun 10­15 mins. (B)Walk 20+ mins.Rest Day1.5 Mile (B)
3 (7/20--7/26)Walk 30+ mins.Run 20 mins. (B)XTRun 20 mins. (A)RestRest Day2 Mile (B)
4 (7/27--8/2)Walk 30+ mins.Run 25­30 mins.(B) XTRun 30 mins. (A)Run 10-15 mins. (B)Rest Day2 Mile (B)
5 (8/3­-8/9)Walk 30+ mins.3 Mile RunXT3 Mile RunRun 10­15 mins. (B)Rest Day2.5 Mile (B)
6 (8/10­-8/16)Walk 40+ mins.3 Mile RunXT3 Mile RunRun 20 mins. (B)Rest Day3 Mile (B­C) (Morning)

●  XT = Cross Training, which may include swimming, biking, bootcamp classes, yoga, etc.  Any type of sustained fitness that keeps you active and burning calories.

●  Running Paces (A, B or C)
A: This is a very moderate paced run where your heart rate is up but at a very manageable pace.  Essentially, at this rate you can easily carry on a conversation and are not breathing too heavy.  Your effort level feels like a 2-3 out of 10.


B: You are now pushing a tougher pace. Your breathing rate is labored and you are definitely feeling a little uncomfortable. You can only talk in short spurts. Your effort level feels like a 4­-5 out of 10.

C: This is what would be called a “race pace.” During these runs you will push as hard as you feel you would in a race.  At this pace your heart rate is pretty high and your breathing rate is uncomfortable. You feel some burning in your muscles and there is no way that you can carry a conversation. Your effort level is a 7-8 out of 10. 

* Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.  If you experience any pain or difficulty with these exercises, stop and consult your healthcare provider.

Note: CEEF is held harmless from any and all claims, loss or damage to personal property, and liabilities and costs, including attorney’s fees, as a result of your participation in these activities.
