2010年4月28日 星期三


When I first met Pastor Kao and Mrs. Kao, they were not pastors. They were just a lovely couple in HOC5 like you and me. The only difference was that Mrs. Kao cooked the dinner for us (at that time, I was in Tong-Shing Fellowship) on Friday night because many single professionals in Tong-Shing Fellowship didn't have time to eat before going to the fellowship. Every week, we had different dishes, and every week, it was delicious. She cooked every Friday until she and Pastor Kao got the calling from God and went to Taiwan to serve those who were in prison and who were using drugs or having AIDS. They knew that even though most people didn't like those "bad guys", God loves them, so they had to introduce Jesus to them.

Later, Mr. Kao became a pastor, and they shifted some of their time to care for retired old soldiers (榮民) ;and again, this group of people were usually ignored by the society.

When we went to Taiwan this Feb. , we had a wonderful  lunch at their house and got an opportunity to go to one of the 榮民之家 for Sunday worship. Sometimes, people in the U.S. complained that we don't have good coworkers in the church or fellowship, but they have even less coworkers there because most of the people who came to the service are 80 years old or older. The pastor and Mrs. Kao needs to take care of many things by themselves.

Mrs. Kao writes an article and a prayer letter once a week, and the following is the article that I just received this morning. For previous letters, please go to http://www.hoc5.org/mission/letter.asp

值得 高徐志美










2010年4月25日 星期日


4/23/10, Ha and Hee's school had their annual walkathon to raise money for the school.

Hee's class started walking and running at 9:30am, and after we helped the kids change the walkathon T-shirt, they got ready on the track. Hee and his good friend Jeffrey were partners, and they held hands from the start to the end. These two were relaxing kids, and most of the time, they were taking slow walks around the track ,感覺很像在逛夜市。Their class walked for an hour, and Hee only walked 8 laps. Each kindergartener got a otterpop and 2 raffle tickets.

Ha's class started walking at 10:30am. Ha was determined to run well in order to  raise more money for the school. My job assignment was to punch the holds on kids' ticket when they finished one lap. I had an opportunity to remind Ha to drink more water and get otterpops and raffle tickets. For 2nd graders, they could get a raffle ticket or an otterpop every five laps. Ha wasn't very interested in getting these, but he drank a lot of water.

At the end, Ha walked/ran 39 laps. He ran faster and faster every year. In Kindergarten, he ran 11 laps; in 1st grade, he ran 25 (20+, I couldn't remember)laps, and this year, 39! Not bad at all. When Ha determined to do something, he would try hard to do it well.

However, the next day (Saturday), Ha's legs were very sore. He could only walk slowly, but he kept comfort himself by saying: "my muscle is getting stronger now, so it sores" (That's what I told him, but I wasn't sure if it's true though.)

2010年4月21日 星期三



S: 我剛剛做了一件烏龍事,把垃圾箱又推回家了。
Y: 你沒有覺得有點重嗎?
S: 我一開始推Recycle的那一個,不重;後來推垃圾的那一個才覺得重。
Y: 你一定以為垃圾車沒來收吧?
S: 對。(知夫莫若妻)
Y: 後來呢?你怎麼發現的?
S: 後來發現鄰居的也都還在外面才想到是明天。


2010年4月20日 星期二



看了他的信,我真的看到什麽叫做"一生被主使用,完全獻上”, 也看到“忠心又良善的僕人”的代表。

他另外又寫了“近來, 戴紹曾院長80多歲去世了,林道亮99歲去世了,鄭果牧師93歲去世了,于力工牧師91歲也去世了。神所重用的僕人一個一個都去世了,但願主興起人來,積極傳福音,歡迎主回來。這是信徒的盼望。您們年輕力壯,願主重用!”


我自己在想,99歲的心情是怎麽樣?每一天都可能是最後的一天,但若確信死後會去哪裡,心中便有平安。可以想像當牧師回想他這一生,能坦然無懼的說:「那美好的仗我已經打過了,當跑的路我已經跑盡了,所信的道我已經守住了。從此之後,有公義的冠冕為我存留。」(提摩太後書4:7-8 上)他就算回天家見主,也是無比美好,因為知道神豐富的獎賞正等待著他,神必親自微笑迎接他。其實,話說回來,99歲是離最後的日子不遠沒錯,但35歲,28歲,45歲,60歲,甚至12歲呢?有誰敢說今天一定不是我們的最後一天?Anything could happen! 可是我們像他一樣的預備好了嗎?一有服事找上門就說No的人見到神該如何自處?十天半個月沒去團契或主日敬拜的人見到神怎麽抬得起頭來?更別說獎賞了,當然是兩手空空!地上有幾億的錢財,幾十棟房子,對於死後的永生來說,只是糞土,神完全不care, 唯有為主所作的工將永遠被紀念,能得冠冕。


我們該怎麼預備呢? “耶穌又設比喻對他們說、們們看無花果樹、和各樣的樹。他發芽的時候你們一看見自然曉得夏天近了。這樣你們看見這些事漸漸的成就、也該曉得上帝的國近了。我實在告訴你們、這世代還沒有過去、這些事都要成就。天地要廢去、我的話卻不能廢去。你們要謹慎、恐怕因貪食醉酒並今生的思慮、累住你們的心、那日子就如同網羅忽然臨到你們。因為那日子要這樣臨到全地上一切居住的人。你們要時時儆醒、常常祈求、使你們能逃避這一切要來的事、得以站立在人子面前。”

2010年4月18日 星期日

Birthday Party for SF and Le

On 4/15, we celebrated Sophia and Lele's birthday at Jennifer's house. Actually, we had dinner at Jen's house 2 nights in a row because kids liked to play together, and as they grow older, there are less and less opportunities for them to be together because everyone has some different activities on week days or weekends.

We had a nice dinner, opened the gifts, had an ice cream cake, and thought that it's a wonderful party. When we were ready to go back to my parents house to take a bath, Roro asked: "how about the rice crispy treats?" "Rice crispy treats"? Right, we told her the day before that we would make the treats on the party, and she was still waiting for it. Whoever has kids knows that if we don't fulfill our promise, it's not easy to have the peace for the rest of the night, so we all agreed that we should make the treats before we left.
I was glad that we made the treats because kids had a fun time and a beautiful memory of the process. Personally, I thought that it tasted good.

2010年4月15日 星期四


這星期Ha and Hee放春假,Sophia and Xin也結束了他們的北京之旅回加州一周,前二天天氣不太好,我們也有點感冒,所以大家待在我家.昨天開始,感冒好轉,天氣也好轉,所以我們一起到阿媽家玩.

昨晚去了Jennifer家,孩子們玩在一起很高興,一起看電視也更高興.他們都喜歡QUBO台,最喜歡Rescue Heros.很奇怪,這些小朋友平常住得很遠,可是喜歡的東西居然不謀而合,吃的也是,都差不多.


Lunch at 順峰
Grandpa helped Ha to do the egg project.

2010年4月7日 星期三

A Happy Week 3/26/10-4/1/10


Why was it a happy week? Because Sophia's family and my parents were in my house for about a week long, and we had a great time together.

3/26 Friday night, Stephen and I went to the church for a special program; Ha, Hee and my Mom were at home waiting for the guests; and my Dad went to SFO to pick up Sophia's family.

By the time we came back from the church (around 9:40pm), our living room had turned to the camp ground. Hee fell asleep already, and the other 3 kids and my Dad were still laughing and exciting about camping in the living room. We have 2 Queen size airbeds, and my Mom brought 2 twin size airbeds, so we had plenty of space for each one. We even had an empty bed in one of the bedroom.

Before going to bed, Sophia and I took turns to read them the bedtime stories.

They read together. 他們兩個都是 Sparky, 也都背完了整本AWANA書,所以一起review.

Play together. For some reason,哈哈這次成為了大受弟妹歡迎的人物。愛和信平常喜歡和嘻嘻玩,但到了睡覺或吃飯時間,就喜歡在哈哈旁邊。哈哈也有點“大表哥”的架勢了。

And doing their works together. 這一張真是令人欣慰的畫面。每一個小朋友做著自己的事:有的寫數學,有的寫英文,有的寫中文,有的畫圖 even though 幾分鐘之前大家還打成一團。


Jennifer's family was here for a short while, too. They were watching the photos that we just took on TV.

JF, next time, you may come to join our camping, too.

Ran taught Haha many things about computer and airplane. Haha liked to learn from him.

One afternoon, we went to Chuk E Cheeses to have fun. kids spent little time playing with the machines that needed token, but they spent most of the time playing in the playing structure which was free. They enjoyed it so much, and all of them were sweating like crazy.

Ai's birthday was on 4/6, so we threw her an early birthday party. Ha and I made an e-card and decorated the kitchen with balloons and birthday banners. Sophia and Ran bought a cake, I baked pizza and spring roll, and mom cooked some dish. After cake, kids had ice cream and sorbet. We added some coke to ice cream, not bad.

Let's have another birthday photo because I was in it.

I couldn't believe that 我們居然沒有壽星全家合照,那就星爸星媽代表吧。